Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our team: LEARN TO LIVE - August 2011

Our team for August has been decided! The trip in August will consist of three people and myself. These three people have been chosen based on their positive outlook, innovative ideas and hardworking initiative that they can bring to ‘Learn to Live’. Jason Prowell is a native of New Orleans, he is a filmmaker who, upon hearing of our project wanted to use his talent in film to help and promote Learn to live. Jason will document our time in North Suluwesi and with his footage, construct a documentary that will be valuable with our project pitch to universities when we return to the United States. Karel Turang is from the region of North Suluwesi and currently resides in Melbourne Australia. Karel has a command of the language and will be essential in our negotiations. Karel also holds an extensive background in education and community projects within Australia. Sergio Padilla grew up along the US / Mexico border and earned Bachelor of Architecture from Tulane University in 2003. The challenges and opportunities of Post-Katrina New Orleans has allowed Sergio to apply his passion for cultural and community development to the rebuilding efforts taking place in New Orleans. Having worked as a project manager for architectural firms for several years, he is looking forward to applying his life and professional experiences towards the Learn to Live experience. Dr Jordana Kaban is unable to go with us on our trip scheduled for August due to the birth of her first son, however she will be in touch daily with our progress and joining our meetings online to discuss the progress of the trip.